

Please read before renting a car
Title can you give me some precautions before we drive the vehicle?
Writer: Tamra *
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Driving and parking in South Korea.

- Please do not park your car illegally. Our car must not interfere with other vehicles. If there aren’t any other options, and you are forced to park your car in a manner that blocks other vehicles, please, write down you contact information and leave it on your dashboard. It will help others to contact you and ask to move your car away when needed (you need to write down your contact). 

When you leave the car parked on the street, you must park it in a spot where it will not be subject to ticketing or towing for a period of 24 hours after the scheduled end of the trip.  

●Check all posted parking restrictions, tow zones, permit parking zones, and street sweeping times.

●Check your front and rear bumpers to make sure they’re not extending into a driveway, crosswalk, or color zone.

●Be careful with metered parking -- if there is a time limit, 

You’re responsible for paying the cost if the car receives any tickets or is towed within the 24-hour window following the scheduled end of your trip. 

-To get more information about South Korean driving regulations, please, follow the link:


Drinking and Driving

If you are drinking while you have our car, you can ask any restaurant to call you a "designated driver" to pick you and your car up and drive you back to your hotel for a fee - most take cash. No credit cards. DO NOT DRIVE THE CAR YOURSELF WHILE YOU ARE DRUNK 

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