
Rental Guide

Please read before renting a car

In the event of an accident, the accident situation must be immediately notified to the company. (Standard Car Rental Terms and Conditions Article 17 Paragraph 1 Item 1)

Please report/receive an accident after familiarizing yourself with the handling tips below.

  • Injury Check: First check whether the driver/passenger is injured. (Call 119 in case of injury!)
  • Preservation of the accident site: Mark the location of the accident and take pictures of the injured/damaged vehicle accident (moving the vehicle in the event of a risk of a second accident)
  • Securing relative personal information: Securing personal information and contact information such as the other vehicle number/driver/witness.
  • Accident report/receipt: Received through the call center.
Accident measures
  • Accidents by both parties and accidents by the other party/own vehicle: Insurance staff will be dispatched to the scene and handle the accident
  • Single Accident: Vehicle recovery or continued driving depending on the vehicle's condition. (If the vehicle cannot be operated, the cost of towing will be paid by the customer)
The lessee must follow the traffic laws and the lessee is responsible for all the matters that is occured during the rental period even after return.
In the event of an accident due to violation of the Road Traffic Act, some benefits of compensation insurance may not be available.